Harvey centers itself around one man, Elwood P. Dowd, and his imaginary friend Harvey, an enormous rabbit, against the backdrop of 1950’s America. In my “expert” opinion, Harvey was one of Tosa West’s best performances in the last three years.
The stage was difficult to work with since it was an alley stage, and the actors had to find a way to incorporate both sides of the audience. They did splendidly, and with much rehearsal, pulled the play off without a hitch, as far as I could tell. Of course there’s always some sort of backstage drama going on, but the audience was none the wiser if that was the case, but I digress…
As I observed the goings on of Tech Week, I must admit that I was a tad worried when I saw that lines were still being memorized only days before the first public performance. The actors and director pulled through and put on an excellent performance.
If you weren’t able to go see the play, I’m sorry to say, but it sucks to suck. Knowing our theatre department though, I know that this spring’s Peter Pan is going to be amazing. Well, maybe not. That’s what I thought of Merchant of Venice, but I had no idea what was going on there. One thing I am sure of, it is that our theatre is full of surprises and has defied my predictions in the past.
Until next time, check out my Twitter, AndrewJonHanson, for further scoops, witty comments, ranting, and parental guidance suggested if not 13 material.
Quote of the Day:
“Don’t lie. Omit.” – Kelsey Kennedy, Junior
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