West Alumni Give College Advice


Samuel Wade, Staff Reporter

With the summer half way over students are starting to think about next year. But before the summer comes to an end, here is some valuable advice and information about college students can all benefit with, especially graduating seniors, from some West alumni. 


Stay in Classes and Study

“Go to class, go to class, go to class, go to class. I cannot stress that enough. In college, attendance doesn’t count so you’ll not want to go all the time, but force yourself to. If you miss a class you will quickly fall behind. So go to classes, it will only help you out in the end.” – Nathaniel Wade

“College is a lot more studying and work outside of school, so you definitely have to know how to pace yourself and set goals for yourself. I wish someone would’ve told me to do homework a couple days in advance instead of waiting to do it the night before” – Taylor Batsch

“You still got to do work outside of class just like high school. This includes doing the homework, assignments, or meeting the deadlines.” – Steven Anthony

College Provides New and Exciting Opportunities

“College is so much fun. You have opportunities to participate in globally recognized events. High school will likely not be recognized for anything on a global level (nothing wrong with that), but it is astounding how many people recognize me as the face of the university , no matter where I go. It opens up your network to so many possibilities.” – Andrew Awve

“Starting college is nice because you are starting fresh, you’re in a new environment, you get to meet new people, and you have more opportunities to sharpen your educational skills and try nw clubs and organizations that were not offered in high school. It’s something new as well as a new start” – Steven Anthony

Try New Things and Set Goals

“College is the perfect time to take on new goals and let people experience you differently ( and to experience other people differently). Be open to change, and in that sense treat yo’ self (within reason). In that respect, don’t declare a major right away. Look into classes that look interesting. Try science and liberal arts. Make sure there is something new. There is no reason to restrict your own possibilities so early in your college career.” – Andrew Awve

It’s Exciting (But Can Be Overwhelming)

“I was excited that I was finally on my own and that I was able to get away from home, but what I was most excited about was that my life was finally starting.” – Nathaniel Wade

“I still think it’s exciting. There was lots of pressure to meet everyone you could, which was a bit stressful to me since I was a pretty average bodied white guy who couldn’t play guitar by the bonfire while singing.” – Andrew Awve

Take Advantage of Resources and Don’t Slack Off

“If you need help on assignments, college provides many resources for help. They have class review sessions pretty much every day, there are tutor centers where you can get individual help, and you can also get help from your professors. I recommend making time and taking advantage of these resources.” – Steven Anthony

“If you were an intense person in high school, and you loved having a packed schedule, and you hear that college might be tough. Tough enough that you should go lax on your schedule in the first semester or year. DON’T DO THAT!!! If you love the rigor, then keep your life rigorous!” – Andrew Awve

Last Words of Advice

“Engage! (The Trojan Way is absolutely right on track by the way, if that is still around…). I met more people who became friends with me by working at the dining halls and by doing marching band than anywhere else, especially not on my floor or in classes.” – Andrew Awve

“Once you graduate high school life hits you. You will be faced with paying for your own food, housing, transportation, and other needed expenses. All of this is expensive. This is why you have to find a career that you have passion in but can still support yourself on. Because if you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. When you go to college, a trade school, an apprenticeship, or any higher specialized training your goal is to achieve as high as you can because it will define the quality of life that you will live for the rest of your life.” – Steven Anthony

“Live in the moment, enjoy your friends, don’t take anything for granted because life is only going to get harder after high school” – Taylor Bartsch

The Alumni That Made This Article Possible

Steven Anthony was a part of the graduating class of 2017. He currently attends and lives on the UW-Milwaukee campus.

Andrew Awve was a part of the graduating class of 2014. He recently graduated from UW-Madison and is going to start this Masters of Science in Resource and Energy Economics in July.

Taylor Bartsch was also part of the graduation class of 2017. He currently attends UW-Milwaukee and commutes to UW-Milwaukee.

Nathaniel Wade was also a part of the graduating class of 2014. He graduated from MATC in 2017 and will be receiving his Bachelors in Economics at UW-Milwaukee at the end of this year.