Without the typical winter weather that we’re used to in Wisconsin, people haven’t had to deal with the hassle of snowed-in sidewalks and slippery roads. The average snow accumulation in the Milwaukee area is typically between 40-50 inches every year, and so far this winter we have had less than 20.
The sudden snowfall came as a shock, and brought mixed emotions among the students here at West. “I had to wake up early to shovel, but I love the snow,” commented Junior Tyler McDonald, “I like snow sports like snowboarding.”
However, this doesn’t seem to be the general consensus. “I thought we were done with snow,” complained another Junior, Devin Held. “I was hoping for school to be closed.” John Her, a Senior, hates to scrape the ice and snow off his car, and Junior Erin Stapleton says “I was hoping to wear my spring jacket today”.
It seems like most people, like Stapleton, are ready for spring. Until this morning, everyone seemed to have the false hope that it would come quicker this year. Hopefully the temperatures will rise again soon, and the Milwaukee area will get through the rest of the winter fairly easily.
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