Varsity Swimmer Junior Zachary Brunow
When and why did you start swimming?
I started swimming because I had never learned how to swim and was worried I wouldn’t be able to, so I learned how.
What’s your favorite part about swimming?
I like when we get to have free time and I get to talk to my friends.
Who is your biggest supporter?
Probably my grandparents because they show up to every meet they can, are great people, and support me no matter what I’m going through.
Who is your inspiration for swimming?
I don’t watch competitive swimming but I’ve watched a few of Michael Phelps’s races and he has been very inspirational in the way he swims.
What would you change about how swimming is organized at West?
I don’t like how many practices we have every week. Right now we are at five practices a week which is a ton and I think we should bring it down to three or four.
What sacrifices have you made to pursue your sport at a high level?
I have sacrificed time, money, and all around just everything.
What do you hope to accomplish in the final weeks of swimming?
I hope to get a new PR in the 100-meter swim and be a good teammate to everyone.
Do you plan to continue to swim after high school? Why or why not?
I do not plan to swim in college but maybe sometimes for fun or when I’m hanging out with friends.