The Trojan Player’s spring musical will be Showtune, a one act musical celebrating the life and music of Jerry Herman. Herman was an influential composer known for broadway musical theater, and composed...
Come join Wauwatosa West’s acclaimed Trojan Players in their production of “Anything Goes”.
Enjoy the classic Broadway play performed by the nationally recognized Trojan players theater group...
Congratulations to the Wauwatosa West High School Trojan Players, who for the fourth time in five years are the recipients of a Tommy Award for Outstanding Musical for the 2017 Spring musical Little Shop of Horrors.
Wauwatosa West students Maddy Carroll and Sam Frederick present stories about Black Student Union, music artist Brynn Marie's visit to Tosa West, and the fall play Our Town.
Good acting a straightforward set will give this year's play, Our Town, a strong kickoff for the Trojan Players' 2013-2014 season. Showtimes are 7:00PM on Nov. 8, 9, 15, and 16, and a 2:00PM matinee on Nov. 10