On Tuesday March 18th, 2025, approximately 750 9th, 10th and 11th grade Wauwatosa West students will be taking the ACT and PreACT. Students should arrive at school at the regular school start time. Students will be tested on English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. All juniors will be taking the ACT, while freshmen and sophomores will be taking the PreACT. Seniors are not required to attend school on Tuesday.
All students in the state of Wisconsin are required to take the ACT as standardized measurement to compare high school achievement. It is also the primary college admissions exam for most major colleges and universities. The PreACT is a practice test to help Freshman and Sophomores identify strengths and weaknesses on the regular ACT. Individual scores for both tests are analyzed and shared with students and families.
The exam on Tuesday is a very important day for Juniors applying to colleges. This test determines if students are admitted or rejected. Some have been taking classes and have been participating in study groups to prepare for the ACT.
“The class gave me good strategies to apply on the test and on the post tests” said Junior Ian Butenhoff
Butenhoff participated in a 6 week class at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee to prepare for the ACT.
Coordinating and organizing the administration of the exam is being done by the Career Center coordinator Alicia Webb. She has been planning for the exam over the past two months. Teachers and administrators administer the exams throughout the building. Teachers have had several formal training sessions to teach them how to properly administer the exams.
“The ACT is used to assess your academic abilities and is required by state and helps the school determine if we’re doing a good job at teaching you and then the act can also be used for college admissions and scholarships,” said Career Center Coordinator Alicia Webb.
Individuals administering the ACT must follow strict requirements when administering the test in schools. For example, all cell phones must be turned off, placed out of sight and can not be accessed even during breaks. A violation of this rule will result in an immediate dismissal of the test.
“There are a lot of them the biggest one is you can’t have a phone or any electronic device out well testing even during and breaks and you cant have any food or water during anypoint in the test a weird one is you can not wear a watch you will have to put it on the desk and you are not allowed to come into the room after testing has begun so it is very important you come on time” said Webb
Students must be in their testing room by 8:15 am on testing day with a fully charged chromebook. If you are late on testing day you will not be allowed to take the test, and will have to take it on make-up day. Student services administrator JoAnne Kraetz emailed all students details with room assignments and preparations for the day.
It is highly recommended eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast before arriving at school. To better help with testing, the PTA will be providing snacks for all 9th, 10th and 11th grade students on test day, so stop by and grab some! Lunch will also be available for students in the cafeteria from 11:15-1:15, with limited options for food.
If you have any questions about the ACT or PreACT, feel free to stop in during lunch or passing time.