Wauwatosa West Homecoming Queens Make History
Jami Timmons and Shannon Damuth stand in front of a sign reading “We love our queens” during the Homecoming Football Game on October 1st.
October 3, 2021
The Wauwatosa West Senior class elected Seniors Jami Timmons and Shannon Damuth as Homecoming Queens for the 2021 homecoming court. This is the first time at West when a same-sex couple has led the court.
While it is notable that they are the first same-sex couple to be homecoming queens, Timmons thinks that it shouldn’t be.
“It feels overwhelming, but in a good way, because it’s helping to break the stereotypes that there needs to be a king and a queen. We don’t mind us winning while it is our last year at west, but we are sad that it took this long to have same-sex students win.”
They want to dedicate their win to the LGBTQ+ and Black / Women of color around Wauwatosa, and the world.
Last’s year’s homecoming was canceled due to COVID-19, so spirits are high this year among both students and staff. A variety of events took place throughout the week, like class competitions, the pep rally, and the football game, but the week was capped off by the dance on October 3rd. The court was announced at the pep rally and the dance. Also on the court are Seniors Serena Stern and Ryan Raynolds, Juniors Hari Venkat and Sarah Caoe, Sophmores Molly Frost and Ben Kortbein, and Freshman Tina Aserade and Milo Hagopian-Smith.
Social Studies Teacher and Homecoming advisor Padi Kong collects votes from seniors to determine the homecoming court. At West, Seniors traditionally elect the homecoming monarchs.
“We’re excited that for the first year ever we have two queens. Jami and Shannon got the most
votes, so many Seniors wanted to see Jami and Shannon and support a more inclusive homecoming.”
Timmons and Damuth campaigned by running an Instagram post and story, shown on the right. The post only said that they were running for court, but they later became queens.
Becoming homecoming queens was important to them, but they also believe it has larger ramifications.
“We really hope that this brings light to the LGBTQ+ community that we have here at West, and everywhere else. And to help encourage all the little boys, girls and nonbinary kids and young adults that you can do anything in this world, whether people look down at you of they support you. ” Timmons said. “Love is love!”